Badge Challenges

  Smile Girl

1. Talk to a dental professional about good dental habits and health.
(If girls have visited the dentist, name some good dental habits and healthy habits to have)

2. Make a collage of smile pictures. Use magazine pictures of photos of someone you know.

3. Keep a daily chart for one week, showing how you kept your smile healthy by brushing and flossing

No More Mess
1. Look around your room and find something that needs organizing.  Organize it in boxes, on shelves or in closets and drawers.

2. If there's something you've outgrown, give it away to a needy group.

  1. My Space
  2. Draw a picture of your room as it is now.  Draw another picture of your "dream" room.
  3. How can you arrange your room so it's more organized?  Think of three ideas.

 Communication is Where it is @

1.  Think about how you communicate with people near and far.
2. Learn American Sign Language for "Make New Friends"
3. Create a secret language.  Use it to communicate
4. Think of an animal and describe it to someone without saying what it is.  Ask them to draw a picture of the animal from your description.
5. Write a message backwards to a friend using a mirror
6. Write a message on a friends back with your finger. Ask them to guess what you wrote.

    SSSS (Sound, surround, soothe, and stimulate) 

1. Talk about how we use sound when work or play
2. Identify six sounds in your home.
3. Build a "Brownie Phone"
4. Make a musical instrument out of everyday materials.
5. Learn a campfire song and play it for your unit with your instrument.

                                            Making Things Go

1.      Discuss the following topics:  What are batteries?  How do cars run?  What makes a plane fly?  How do we light our homes?
2.      Research what people used for light, heat and transportation before electricity?  Draw the way a house would have looked before the invention of electricity.

3.    Build something that needs a battery to make it light up

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