Monday, February 10, 2014

Congratulations Emily!!!!

Emily is one eager Brownie! She completed the Brownie Be a Chef  badge.  She made rainbow chip cupcakes at home one day and took pictures of her accomplishments.  Emily said that her cupcakes were really yummy and can't wait until she makes a new batch.   The next meeting, she is going to bring her work in to present to the unit so she could get her badge.

Emily is looking forward to doing more badges out of the book.  To check out some badges that the girls could work on they could look through the Brownie book or check the page on this Brownie blog called "Badge Challenges.  Then when the badge is complete, bring it to the meeting and we will give you time to present it.   Keep up the good work! 

Happy Badge Doing!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love Yourself Challenge

A few months ago, our girls did the International Day of the Girl challenge where they focused on why we need girls in society today. Two meetings ago, we worked on the NEDIC Love Yourself Challenge.
Girls Guides of Canada and NEDIC (National Eating Disorders Information Center) worked together to create a challenge for each branch to teach them about Self-Esteem, Body Image, and Health and Nutrition. At the Brownie level, the girls have to complete 1 activity in each section.

Our Brownies tackled this challenge by kicking off the meeting with a game of  "tag your cool" where the person that was it would tag somebody but instead of saying "tag your it" they said "tag your cool."  We then, gathered in a circle and each person mentioned something that they like about themselves, and different qualities about themselves. Some of the girls, even said what they liked about one of their friends in Brownies.  

Our craft for the night was creating door hangers.  Each girl received a foam heart where they put their name on the middle and then positive words that described them such as unique, pretty, funny, smart etc. I laid out cue cards with these words on the table so the girls knew how to spell them when they were writing it.  When they were completed, each girl chose a ribbon that they were able to thread through their heart so that they could hang it where they could see it at home.

The next activity was a partner activity. Each girl chose a partner and a piece of paper with some markers.   The girls each took a turn drawing their partner.  The Brownie that was being drawn was able to pose.  When her partner was finished drawing her, she wrote positive words around the picture of what she thought of her friend. When they were done, they switched. One drew and one posed.   The girls drawings turned out really well and they had some great describing words on their picture.

The meeting ended with some fun active songs that the girls like to sing such as: the penguin song, the animal song, and Hey Hey Bodiddley Bop! We also had some fun playing with some new inflatable balls as well for the healthy living section.  At our sleepover in a few weeks, we are anticipating to play a few active games to wrap the healthy living section up. The girls are hoping to play crab soccer.